Packrat victory

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 16:23 (1636 days ago)

Coming from a rural background where if you dispose of something it's not got anything left to give has left me with a tendency to keep stuff around "because it might be useful someday". Back in '06 we picked up a new computer for my wife to use. It gave us good service and finally pretty much gave up the ghost, as far as reliable computation duties go. So the monitor got carried around with us over the past few moves to new quarters (sure do hate renting) and it's been a reliable gatherer of dust in out of the way hideyholes.

Fast forward to the Great COVID-19 <WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!> pandemic and for the past nearly two weeks we've been obligated to "shelter in place" with only the bare necessities of outside excursions allowed. Walk the dogs (20 minutes max - but they don't say how frequently one can get one's 20 minutes) near the house (we've got two parks to use within 50 yards or less of the front door), emergency medical visits, grocery or drug store shopping, etc are allowed. This obviously has put a damper on our usual weekly gatherings and gatherings during the week, so along with folks from all kinds of places around the globe we've been going to online live streaming to encourage our folks.

This has lead to learning how to do things I'd not thought of doing, such as using Facebook Live for teaching and ministering purposes. Also we've learned that there are other tools available to make that task easier. But one computer monitor makes keeping track of things difficult and not very smooth to operate. Enter ye old HP 2009m - a much better monitor than I remembered it being. 20" and HDTV quality video. And the 'puter I picked up for ministry purposes back in '15 happens to have a DV-I output that matches up with the DV-I input on the monitor. So now we've got extended screen space to layout our transmissions on. Looking forward to employing it this evening (we've gone to nightly broadcasts to try and help folks keep up their spirits during this situation).

"Why don't you just throw that away?"
"Because I might need it someday." [packrat victory!]

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