Holding up well at the Murphy's

by Murphy @, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 12:53 (1636 days ago) @ Frank S

The wife and I are both retired. A blessing in a way, we had a head start on this being at home thing. The hard part, is being home when I want to vs being pretty much told to stay at home. I never was good at being told what to do by other's. Odd how that works.

Staying busy. My mother always said you could lock me in a closet, or put me in the middle of the desert and I'd find something to do. We have all the basic necessities we need and no need to leave home for the time being.

My biggest concern, has been my 26 year old granddaughter stuck in New York City. She's an attorney working from home at this time.

Stay safe my friends.


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