Everyone doing OK during the self Quarantine?

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 03:48 (1638 days ago) @ Frank S

It’s odd around here...

I’m still working like normal, which is good having no paid time off in my trade. The wife works for United Way, so she’s super busy trying to keep info updated and help those who need it now and will need it later on due to current situation. Boys are off school for at least a month, more likely the rest of the year. They are technically on spring break through the next week. After that, they’ll be on ‘distance learning’. The oldest, 12, has a bring home computer so that’s much easier. The younger son is getting g a packet of paper each week, no real understanding of how we turn it in or how much it really matters if it gets done or not. It’s a new deal for everyone but we’re all working with it the best we can.


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