The Unfortunate has happened...

by Norm, Monday, June 03, 2019, 09:57 (1937 days ago) @ sjcollins

I experienced"trigger finger" earlier this year and it drastically affects how I shoot. As a result, I've played with several different grips with which I can keep shooting my j-frames effectively.

The discontinued Fitz Gunfighters are a close second in terms of comfort and shootability to the radical Delta Ergo Grip. I need to do some more shooting before deciding what grip to keep on which gun.

Note how much of the gap behind the trigger is filled, to the bottom of the rear of the trigger guard, however, the belt-and-suspenders Tyler k-frame adapter and Herrett Shooting Aces actually feel pretty good if my little finger is tucked under the bottom of the grip.

Recoil has also become a problem and the heaviest loads I shoot in the 640 PRO are 38Spl +P's, no 357's. The alloy M37 and 2 flat latch j-frames shoot only factory 148gr HBWC's, which are also my carry loads in those guns. I'll occasionally shoot heavier loads in the Model 60, mostly standard 158 SWC or 130 FMJ's.

And my big bore handgun which I shoot is a lightweight Commander with 185 gr SWC midrange target loads.[image]

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