This might help...

by Catoosa, Friday, May 31, 2019, 09:51 (1940 days ago) @ sjcollins

OK you guys, don't think I'm nutty for suggesting this - I didn't think it would work until I tried it. I began having arthritis pain in my left thumb joint a few years ago, likely stemming from an old injury. After trying numerous remedies, none of which worked, I made a bracelet out of twisted copper wire and began wearing it on my left wrist. It seemed to help a little. Then I found a copper ring that was large enough to fit on the affected thumb. After wearing both the ring and the bracelet for a few days the pain in the joint subsided and I have had very little trouble with it since. I've since upgraded to some better-looking copper jewelry than my homemade stuff.

I know this sounds like witchdoctor hoodoo, but danged if it doesn't seem to work. If I were to take a SWAG about how it works, I would say that the two copper objects set up a weak galvanic current between them that runs through the affected joint and somehow reduces the pain and swelling.

Good luck in your battle with old Arthur. Gettin' old ain't much fun but it beats the alternative!

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