Slide cuts vs. Novak mount

by MS @, Southern Michigan, Tuesday, January 29, 2019, 10:20 (2062 days ago) @ E Sisk

Trijicon makes a Novak cut mount for the RMR for $85-$90. There are a lot of like mounts for half that or less, but I don't know if the RMR fits on any of them.
Since I have a couple of RMR's a 1 minute dot and a 3-1/2 minute dot, and just the M&P CORE 9, there's a spare here.

IIRC a deep RMR cut on a 1911 is $275 ish?

The Novak cut mount would allow one to put it on an unmodified gun, but they also sit a good bit higher, making co-witness sights a pretty tough find.

Choices choices.

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