10mm options

by Dennis Eugene @, Prince of Wales Island Alaska, Tuesday, January 29, 2019, 10:16 (2062 days ago) @ MS

Howdy, I am interested in getting a S&W 1006, have been for years just never pulled the trigger on buying one. I have owned a 4006, fortyS&W since the very early 90's. Still my carry gun of choice. When I got mine it was standard issue for State Troopers here in Alaska. Local Police Chief Jim used to call me and let me know right after police shoots so I could gather brass at there range. I am still shooting some of there free brass. Funds are very tight at this time but would love a chance at first refusal of your weapon should you decide to sell. Sorry for the thread drift, just had to put this out there. Love those smiths. Thanks Dennis

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