LOL Ray!

by D. Sikes, Sunday, July 15, 2018, 14:18 (2260 days ago) @ Sarge

thanks for the reminder... it was one of the first things I noticed when I removed and put the cylinder back on... on my particular one.. if you don't put your finger on the trigger when the cylinder pin isn't all the way in and you try to cock the hammer, you get lucky... the transfer bar comes up just under the firing pin... just don't try to pull the trigger... but you are right... if you put too much pressure on the trigger without checking the cylinder pin first when "troubleshooting" ... you can shear the pivot pin... when I took everything apart for internal inspection, I noticed how small and fragile the pivot pin was on the older style transfer bar... the newer version (post 2000) is much more robust... I'm thinking of ordering a set of "internal" parts from EAA to keep on hand just "in case"... they do carry some of the older style parts in their replacement parts inventory... all in all, I'm happy with my purchase... it's gonna be a handy work gun around the farm... not pretty, just functional and comfortable... my 1911 can go back to being my house and town gun...

I have a few more "wants" to get my armory back in order... a 30-30 levergun, or a .41mag levergun (Trapper), a .410 pump gun, and a .20 ga pump... that should get me back to a reasonable basic acceptable level of inventory for what I need/want for around the farm...

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