Update on my Bounty Hunter

by Ray L., Saturday, July 14, 2018, 08:33 (2261 days ago) @ Sarge

To: Whom it may concern, I was wondering if anyone can tell me a little about the Bounty Hunter Colt 45. My youngest of three is 14 and he is really into the six gun, he has several guns at this point been shooting since he was four as well as his brother and sister. So I’ve been looking to purchase him a cowboy action revolver for Christmas that won’t break the bank, I came across this revolver at a pawn shop, I usually do a lot of research before purchasing a gun that I have little or no knowledge about. However I got a deal I couldn’t pass up, I know that usually means Run but I have more than enough knowledge about guns to look at the natural functions and this one is in really good shape. But I do not have the knowledge on EAA so if anyone could respond and help me out it would be really appreciated. Again Thanks!

Recognize that response to your excellent article? All that time and care and fotos wasted Sarge !

Ever read some of the facebook and youtube responses ? Hundreds or thousands just like the above.

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