My inability to remember names is Olympic class.

by John K., Sunday, April 29, 2018, 14:00 (2337 days ago) @ cas

I can remember people, faces, events, even guns, and could not tell you their names under torture.

Here's a few more:

Joe Mattingly TX

Jack Mattingly TX

Charlie Smith LA

Doc Hudson AL

"Jumpin Jack" (Korean war fighter pilot, flew Sabres - cant remember his name right now)

The guy with the corny jokes - died during a routine heart cath. I cannot remember his name either.

Rod WMG. (Wants more guns) TX, I believe. Diabetic, sent him some gun books when he was laid up.

Another Texan, killed himself early 2010 IIRC. Name is not coming up either. Had several sons and a wife; ate dinner with them at CSA a few times. Rob A knew them better.

Have a feeling i have left some out.

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