The internet rarely forgets, sometimes we do.

by cas, Sunday, April 29, 2018, 11:17 (2337 days ago)

Once again I fell down the rabbit hole of the internet. Searching for one thing leads to another, then on to another.

A while ago I found myself reading a post on a forum. Then part way through it, I realized who I was reading.

Ravenwolf, Jeff H. who posted on the old forums. I write Jeff H. because I can never remember his last name. Heenan? or something similar. That bugs me that I can't remember, so I set about to find it. Just like I have several times in the past. (You'd think I'd put it somewhere in my computer). This time I didn't have the same luck as in the past. The internet's memory is getting buried deeper and deeper.

This lead me to searching not only the net, but my own computer, old Nor' Easter posts and photos. Like usual, that had me making the mental list of those who showed but are now gone.

Jim LeVach (Deaf Smith)
Doc O'Mera
Jeff H.(Ravenwolf)
Pete martin (PCM)
Frank Himschoot (Frank H)

I wonder if there are more.

Along the same lines, in looking for the correct spelling of "big Jim's' name, I found a post by him mentioning the passing of Dean Grennell and Warren center.

"Two great men have passed this year. In April the legendary Dean A Grennell passed quietly in his home in Ca. His writting is and should be well known to all Contender shooters and owners.
In May of this year Warren Center has also passed, the designer and inventer of the Contender we all own him a debt we can never pay for making a gun we all love and have enjoyed for many years.
We have lost two of the great ones in the firearms field their like will never be replaced. Rest in peace Gentlemen! You will be missed.
James LeVach"

I'll admit it though.... I have reservations bout sending this post, that someday too soon someone could be pointing it out in reference to me.

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