and a small story afterwards

by bj @, Tuesday, February 13, 2018, 20:16 (2412 days ago) @ bj

Several years later I had moved across town to another house and eventually had a large rat enjoying my garage. When I would open the door to the garage he would run into a hole and disappear. I tried to catch him for a long time but with no luck. I had the idea that if I took the dogfood out of the garage maybe the rat wouldn't be so picky.

I was buying 20lb and larger bags of dogfood. One time they had a promotional deal and gave me a free 5lb bag with my purchase. When I picked up the dogfood to take inside I picked up the 5lb bag, that I had never opened, and it was almost empty with a little hole chewed through the sack in the back.

Well with the other source of food gone I was able to catch the rat. I don't know what is considered "big", but the body of this one measured 7" long and the tail measured 9".

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