Great hunting story. I had one like.that, heard rustling, an

by former hater of plastic, Friday, February 09, 2018, 22:13 (2416 days ago) @ ~JM~

corraled in a front room, put out mouse traps, nothing, except empty trap, put out sticky trays for mice and rats, bait gone, and one day even a sticky trap, finally found with some REALLY long hairs attached, put out rat traps, empty of bait again, tried the 5gal pail of water with length of yard stick balanced on edge and end baited, and tripped several times with bait in water, but no rodent,

And finally had to buy an expensive large live trap, where I finally caught the thoroughly alerted critter. A very very large field rat, who appeared to be simply the world's largest field mouse complete with enormous brown eyes, nothing beady at all, and figuring we had both been through the wringer, drove him several miles away and released at a field edge where he belonged, had likely dashed in with me the same day he was heard rummaging in stored items for food.

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