I don't recall seeing MTM

by Big Six, Tuesday, June 20, 2017, 10:35 (2651 days ago) @ Wildcat

I believe you and JT are correct.

I could not find MTM but readily found MMC who appears to make only rear sights for a variety of auto.

This gut is nearly 80 and has never been on a computer in his life and was recalling the company from memory saying he had used their stuff before and likes the company.

He is about finished his smithing due to health but has done work for me nearly 40 years. I would like for him to perform the work if possible (which is but he is old, contrary and slow).

I got the contact info for MMC and will get with him as soon as possible.

For the guys picking on me.... that's just part of doing business here.

I enjoy the site and read it every day although I post little.

I read an article last night that JT wrote about barrel twisting etc. to get the revolvers to shoot to POA and don't want to ask the guy to do that.

After all... I have seen the work of some other smiths that have put S&W (and other) sights on single actions and some looked really good.

It would be nice to be able to adjust the sights for different loads I shoot.

I carry factory loads when I use the single actions for EDC but when I shoot varmints eating my garden or for fun at targets I shoot (usually) 210gr SWC over 7 gr. Unique.

That is an accurate load... a softie... and plenty for little critters.

Y'all just want me to spend all my hard earned money on glasses leaving the lead, powder and primers for y'all to burn.

Ain't gonna happen.


BTW... Thanks for helping me get the MMC vs MTM straightened out.

(I'll tell the smith "I wrote it down wrong.")

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