Adjustable Sights for Vaquero

by Big Six, Monday, June 19, 2017, 22:17 (2651 days ago)

I have seen Ruger Vaqueros with adjustable sights put on by gunsmiths (Alan Harton and others)and I am desirous of putting them on some Vaqueros since I am unable to hit varmints in my garden with the factory sights.

(I hate to admit it but I am getting long of tooth.... and short of eyesight.)

I have an old time gunsmith just up the road from me and he said he would consider putting sights on my Vaqueros if I was in no hurry.

He said that in the past he had used (and liked)) sights from a company called "Miniature Tool Machine"

My search has been kind of weak.

Does anyone know details of this company or another that makes adjustable sights that can be put on Ruger Vaqueros?

My point shooting with them is fine but.... my deliberate aimed fire is greatly hindered by the factory sights.

My gratitude is provided in advance for any information received.


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