Is the 38 special adequate enough...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, April 17, 2017, 08:35 (2715 days ago) @ pokynojoe

Is the 38 Special with 150 gr RNL running at 625 fps "enough gun"? Years back was at a friend's place on New Year's Eve. His son had flown down here and he was doing an old fashioned hog killing to celebrate. They had about a 100 pound pig tied up and I asked if he'd let me put it down. (much preferable to hearing the poor thing squeal while someone sticks it with a knife, trying to find the heart) He agreed and when the time came I lined up the sights and touched off the shot. The pig dropped dead right there, even though I'd forgotten the PPPPPP throws shots high left so the shot went higher and off the the side a bit from where I'd been aiming. As they butchered it out they found a part of the slug deformed and resting in the right side shoulder and brought it to me. Later on they found the other piece of the slug in the left side ham. The bullet struck the vertebrae and split in two. BOTH pieces penetrated more than I'd ever expected from a 625 fps 38 caliber slug.

Would a 38 take down a deer? I've no doubt it could - especially with good handloads. Would that be my first pick as a deer gun? Nope. But if push came to shove and that was all I had to do the job, I'd do the job with it.

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