Concealed Carry Gun Accuracy and Versatility...

by Bri A, Sunday, April 16, 2017, 10:54 (2716 days ago)

Okay, maybe I am weird, but only accurate guns hold much interest for me, even pocket guns. Lately I have been fascinated with using concealed carry guns for hunting. What peaked my interest was the recent legalization of air guns for deer hunting here in MI. They are throwing pellets of 357 cal from 750 to 950 fps and 45 cal to 800 fps, which is attainable by many concealed carry handguns. Also, reading some old books and historically, many cartridges were considered perfectly acceptable for deer and bear hunting that are considered rather weak by today's standards, and I doubt the deer are any tougher.

I have already killed several squirrels with a 3" S&W M317 and a 2 1/2" M19, and killed a couple deer with a 4" M629 Mountain Revolver. Now looking for the next challenges, have been surprised by the accuracy of several pocket guns. Shot a stainless Walther PPK that belongs to a friend and was surprised when it produced a nice 1 1/2" group at 25 yards, though the issue sights were very difficult to see. Shot a 3" S&W M36, that would easily hold 2" groups at 25 yards. Tried a Kimber Pro-Carry 1911 that shot a very satisfying 1" group at 25 yards. Was even surprised by a Kel-Tec 3AT with a laser sight that produced a 2 1/2" group at 25 yards, though the factory open sights were too small to be able to repeat that without the laser.

Am thinking about using the 2 1/2" M19 with 170 gr SWC's over a moderate charge of 2400 to chase deer within 50 yards. Would like to get them going around 1000 fps and be able to stay in 4" at 50 yards before attempting this. Don't want to use a load that will tax the capabilities of the K-frame too much because they are not getting any easier to find lately.

What have you done with concealed carry guns? Have you ever hunted with them? Which ones have you been surprised by or think would be a worthy piece to take afield?

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