Army looking at interim 7.62 battle rifle

by DiamondD, Friday, April 07, 2017, 03:05 (2725 days ago) @ mcassill

"It’s important to establish right up front that 7.62mm is not the Army’s end goal. The “Interim” component of this capability’s name relies on a plan to eventually adopt one of the 6.5mm family of intermediate calibers. Currently, elements of the Army are evaluating .260, .264 USA and .277 USA. The .260 is commercially available while .264 USA and .277 USA are developments of the Army Marksmanship Unit. Unfortunately, the US Army doesn’t plan to conduct an intermediate caliber study until the early 2020s. That’s why they want to adopt 7.62mm now."

I selfishly am hoping that they end up going with the .260 just because I think it is a great cartridge and have never understood why it never caught on. Also I would love to see .260 conversions become commonplace for MY Scar 17.


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