Army looking at interim 7.62 battle rifle

by Catoosa, Wednesday, April 05, 2017, 10:08 (2727 days ago) @ mcassill

Ya know, I was on active duty back in the late 60s when the Army was transitioning to the M16. That was during Vietnam and everyone was clamoring for lightweight rifles and lots of ammo, and the M16 was supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I seem to recall a few of those late night beer-and-bull sessions wherein I held forth that "one of these days" the US would get involved in a dust-up in some place like a desert or mountain terrain and would fervently wish they had something with more range and punch than the 5.56 "groundhog rifle" to fight with.

That was almost 50 years ago. Wish I had bet someone money on it.

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