A dissenting opinion...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Monday, March 13, 2017, 19:35 (2749 days ago) @ Scribe

I have owned a couple dozen 357's in the past 40 years, including very nice 27's, 28's, 13/19/66's and a slick DW Pistol Pack and an assortment of Ruger DA's from the earliest Security Sixes forward. But the best shooting of 357's I ever owned were an old '70's Trooper MKII and this old nickel Lawman MKII, show with a 50 yard rested group.


Maybe I've just been lucky, but I will take a Mark III hands-down over any 357 this side of a Python. Unless they're 900 bucks, which would encourage me to simply shop around for another one.

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