Crossman Premiers...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, January 30, 2017, 07:17 (2792 days ago) @ ~JM~

Crosman's pellets have had a good reputation in the past, but the canned versions tend to not meet up to the same level of quality as the single die boxes did. Each rifle is a law to itself as to what they like and I've not had the opportunity to shoot a lot of different pellets through this rifle yet. There are some extra heavy ones on order to try and see if the power available on this platform can launch them to interesting levels of power - accurately. This rifle's got a lot of potential for power, but first it needs to show me if it can bring accuracy to the table or not. A powerful inaccurate rifle is not much use. Eventually I hope to run it out to 100+ meters just for grins and to show the naysayers that a pellet rifle CAN reach out that far - even in a puny 4.5 mm presentation.

The scope mounts are tight, I need to try a different scope, or try this one on less magnification just in case. Some folks have complained about the Leapers 6-24X56 scope on the higher magnifications. All it takes is time to work through the variables!

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