Some thoughts on my first "serious" AirBenchrest experience

by Paul ⌂, Monday, January 30, 2017, 07:11 (2792 days ago) @ Otony

Haven't gone the wash/lube route yet. I DO have some that are weight sorted to try one of these days. Just haven't had a place where I could do any serious testing of them. Part of the problem yesterday was the wind, but some of the worst fliers were fired when it died down.

Yesterday I tried the AirArms 10.3's (made by JSB for AirArms) and the JSB 8.44's. Both have a good reputation for consistency and accuracy, but plans are in the works to sort some by size and weight. All it takes is time and the right equipment...

I've hesitated to pull the barrel as there are no replacements for the barrel o-rings in the parts box yet. With the narrow magazine gap on the Hatsan action, the cleaning of the barrel has been limited to pull through patches on a piece of trimmer line. Not the best method for spic and span cleaning. First step should probably be to pull the barrel, clean thoroughly, polish it up with some JB Borepaste then shoot it a bit to season it well. If I DO go that route, I'll see if I can get a friend to polish the crown for me as well, just on general purposes. It didn't look too bad when I inspected it a while back, but didn't use any magnification to check for burrs.

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