We can do that easily enough...

by Paul ⌂, Friday, January 20, 2017, 06:32 (2802 days ago) @ Miles

I'll have to check the actual hosting setup, but methinks that the .us is the "original" site (on this server) and the .com is merely pointing to it. The guy who jumped on the .com wanted something like $2,000 or so for it - not realizing that without the articles it was practically worthless. After a couple years (or more) of him squatting on it, he offered it to us and we were able to pick it up for $50 - roughly what he had spent to park it for that time. :-D Anway, it wouldn't be much of a trick to set it up with its very own WordPress installation and then the .us would be on its own to host the original articles. There's a lot of broken links and missing pics on the original.

Drop me an email and I'll get you the login details, etc.

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