Related to the current sticky - HELP!

by webservant @, Thursday, January 19, 2017, 10:17 (2803 days ago)


I've been as busy as a one armed paperhanger with a dollar watch and the seven year itch. There's always something going on that keeps me busy. For the past three years I've been occupying the post of president of the mission we work with down here, which means I'm overseeing 18 congregations and the related "stuff" that goes with that. As a result, upkeep on the various sites has been minimal to non-existent. We've some good domains, but need content rebuilt and updated and etc - but yours truly hasn't had much time for such and won't for the foreseeable future.

The upside is that by using WordPress content management unhardware (because soft isn't allowed with hardware - gotta love spam filters) on the sites, it's not hard to get content up - just time consuming for copy and paste, etc. If anyone would like to volunteer to help rebuild some of the sites, let me know. webservant AHT sixshootercommunity DOHT com reaches me for things related to the site/forum/etc. I'd like to replace the Joomla! site on, for example, with a WordPress installation BEFORE it gets hacked like a couple others were. But time has not allowed for such. Let me know if you'd like to take on the task of helping to rebuild and to update, etc.

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