Blue gun for sure but there is much more to be done...

by Byron, Saturday, January 14, 2017, 11:44 (2808 days ago) @ Dave B

This post of course is right on the mark and should be considered as the "truth".

Still, an important aspect of this "gunslinger training" is missed completely.

There is a huge gap between live fire and blue gun training that is PERFECTLY filled by high quality airsoft pistols/carbines.

IMNSHO anyone who even considers carrying a sidearm should have a matching high quality airsoft pistol and should ACTUALLY spend some time shooting it out in the back yard with a similarly armed partner. Trust me here. It will be a humbling experience and massive eye opener.

Within 5 minutes all the sacred cows about being able to "stand and deliver" or the "Cooper" style of presentation, blade to the threat, flash sight picture and controlled pair followed by target assessment of will be killed.

Unless one has spent an afternoon with a group of teenage airsofters shooting it out (or of course real direct fire combat), one has no idea of how this stuff play out.

Get an airsoft pistol that matches your sidearm and shoot a couple of 1000 BBs at someone shooting back at you 10 feet away and in the dark and you will without question go from being "comfortable" with you pistol to be truly lethal.


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