I used to do this

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Friday, January 13, 2017, 19:15 (2809 days ago)

ODD STUFF by Clint Smith

Over the last forty years I have seen some odd stuff in regards to shooting. Often the shooting positions fired from or assumed for actual use are “different” than the range positions we practice. These odd shooting position things often fall in step with the concept of “what we think the fight will be and what the reality of the fight is.”
Bluntly perceptions—training or otherwise—of what fights will be and the realities of what fights actually are—real or imagined—can change places when they are actually applied.

During the 60’s 70’s and some of the 80’s we shot the PPC Practical (it wasn’t) Pistol (we mostly shot revolvers) Course. It was presumed to be good because we shot and all shooting is good? Then again it showed us that not all range practices are good and that some training and shooting wasn’t always good when applied to the street. With no disrespect intended or implied salient points like applied roll over rifle prone at North Hollywood, short range rifle applications against handgun armed officers, the Miami shooting with lost eye glasses and hit placement issues have shown us how simple things can affect how the fight winds up in the end. Once again the aforementioned were not brought up as good or bad things as much as there were just things that happened, and like all things that happen in life whether or not they are helpful or good or bad in the final analysis is based whether or not we learn from them.

So as to not be caught off guard or unaware, one should practice odd stuff. Like shooting under stuff like cars, fences, furniture and or a wall with representations of these types of things. The shooting of guns with both hands, one hand, right hand, left hand while standing, kneeling or lying down would all be helpful skills. Shooting over stuff, like the hood of your car or over the bedroom dresser should be tempered with the knowledge that getting shot back at and hit in the head is a bad thing so maybe shooting around cover or concealment would be better as it makes you less of a good target.
Subtle thoughts might ring in your ears as you train like, people shoot you because they see you, so don’t let them see you. You have the rest of your life to solve this current problem…how long your life lasts depends on how well you solve it.

Live Fire & Swimming
If you can shoot on a live fire range I personally think the buddy system is a good way to go to work on the range. Everyone remembers the buddy system of going swimming with a partner so if something goes wrong. Not to be a pessimist but if you actually train up and work some of the odd stuff there is always a possibility something can/could go wrong. I personally think speed is one of the biggest enemies of learning so I recommend going slow and looking and talking to your partner about drawing strokes, arc of the muzzle during the draw…and being damn —yeah, I know curse word, sorry…but if you shoot yourself in the crotch you’ll really be swearing—careful putting the gun back in the holster during repetition drills…like drawing again and again etcetera. Recording and reviewing a video of you doing what you do is also a good way to learn. Bottom line here go slow be careful and watch what is going on. The big expert-shooting world today is speed, speed, speed…don’t worry about the speed fairy…shoot good. The shoot fast speed fairy will show up to your real gunfight on her own accord…the hit the target fairy and you’ll be responsible for what you shoot fairy...you’ll need to bring her with you to your fight. And take an IFAK to the range, actually everywhere you travel.

I Can’t?
I already know that many of you reading this either do not have a facility or range that will allow shooting of this nature. A good solution to the issue and yet one that would allow you to acquire skills and practice would be to purchase a blue gun like a Ring’s from Brownell's that represents the same type of weapon you carry. This “plastic gun” will let you practice drawing, rolling, falling, crawling one hand, two hands, strong or opposite side shooting all without “blowing a hole” thought your self or the house. This of course sounds condescending or stupid unless you shot a hole in your house before or have read in the paper about the guy killed while cleaning his “unloaded” gun. After that the plastic practice gun sounds pretty clever…yeah, I know it doesn’t trigger press, cock, cycle, load and or weigh the same as your real gun…and it doesn’t blow a hole in your leg or house either.

The ultimate odd position would be setting on the floor waiting for the ambulance to arrive, so train for odd positions safely remembering that what we think a fight might be and how we use and shoot the gun may in the end be different than we thought. One thing is for sure and that is learning new gun skills in the middle of an on-going fight is a bad thing. -Clint
Train up now.

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