how would you spread the word?

by bj @, Sunday, October 23, 2016, 19:38 (2891 days ago)

A few years ago there was a lot of outcry for removing confederate flags and other statues and so forth that relate to the confederacy. But yet minorities continue to support the Democratic party. Seems like hypocrisy to me, or maybe it is the biggest political scam in history.

It was many years ago but when I was in high school I wasn't that interested in history. Then when I saw the movie Lincoln I paid attention and thought wow, it was the REPUBLICANS that fought to free the slaves.

I've searched the internet and it's all there if you search for it- the Republican party opposition to slavery, the Democrats trying to keep slavery, Democratic presidents that owned slaves, the interests of the Democratic party being served by the KKK, etc. But yet it seems to be a well-kept secret and present day minorities either don't know this or conveniently choose to ignore it.

I've been told that the parties reversed themselves over the years. I think things have reversed but I don't see that the parties have reversed. For instance one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. From numbers reported on wikipedia, 64% of democrats voted for the bill but 80% of republicans voted for it. So 100 years after the Civil War and Republicans still support minorities more than Democrats do.

This just supports what I seem to observe now. Democrats talk one thing but yet there are tremendous numbers of rich white people that support them. So it sure seems that they are trying to continue the scam.

So I have two questions (or three)-
1) Am I missing something inn my limited bit of research?
2) Do the minorities know about this or is it kept from them?
3) How would we get the word out that the Democrat part is only using the minorities for their vote and they don't really care about them?

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