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by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Wednesday, October 19, 2016, 10:46 (2895 days ago) @ Hoot

But look out. They multiply. I had a very well used M-16A1 in ROTC and wasn't terribly impressed. Never thought about the Ars for a long time.

A local deputy in the midst of a divorce came to my office in early '02 needing money and wanted to sell me his personally owned patrol rifle, a Clinton era Bushmaster carbine (fixed carry handle, no flash hider). I bought it to help him out and promptly threw it in the back of the safe where it was forgotten until 2009. A friend was calling coyotes and wanted me to go along. He used an AR-15 and suggested I scope mine and use it. I did and even with the scope on the carry handle it made a decent calling rig allowing fast multiple shots when several 'yotes came in.

The next spring I ordered a Rock River Coyote rifle upper and Timney trigger and discovered how accurate these things can really be. Between my boys and I we now have 5 or 6 ARs of various iterations in the house. We do a lot of coyote calling with them and love them for that purpose.

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