Yes, plus my Gen 3 Glock 17 is the most accurate

by rob @, Sunday, October 02, 2016, 17:54 (2912 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

You won't hear me ask why shoot stuff at 100 yards with a handgun:) My eyes ain't what they used to be but I consider long range handgunning to be one of the most entertaining pursuits I've ever engaged in. I wish the department approved 9mm. They may, and I may ask about it, but generally they prefer .40 and up. I have a good 45 but I've come around to see the benefits of the 9mm. It's hard to beat good +P 9mm for all around defensive use. I don't have anything against the .40 but if I wanted a heavier slower bullet than the 9mm ID just as soon use a .45. Now a 10mm on the other hand...I'm all about that:)

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