Do any you find the Glock 17/22 fits your hand better than..

by rob @, Friday, September 30, 2016, 18:38 (2914 days ago)

the 19/23 versions? I finally got rid of my Glock 19 because I just couldn't ever make peace with the ergonomics...even after some alteration. But our department issues Glock 22s and surprisingly it feels a lot better in my hand. The hump is lower on the backstrap and that just changes everything. I was going to carry my 1911 (and I still may) but I'm seriously considering buying my own G22 and using it. I won't have to worry about getting my 1911 wet in foul weather and beating up the grips in the course of duty. Having 40 S&W issued for practice every quarter for free is a plus too. I could go with an XD or XDm as well. Thinkin on it...

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