Gun Shows: They sure aren't what they use to be.

by Murphy @, Saturday, October 01, 2016, 22:24 (2913 days ago) @ Bryan

It seems the past 10-15 years, gun shows in general have been going down hill. At least, that's been my experience in the more rural area. I attended the big Tulsa show last fall and it was good, as usual. But, it was nothing like the first one I attended probably 20 years ago.

I have a relative who attends them very regular within a 200 mile radius and has for decades now. We live in a tri-state area (OK/AR/TX). He's been disappointed more than happy these past 6-8 years. Of course everyone is looking for something different than the next guy I reckon when they walk through the door of a gun show.

My experience with most shows within 60-70 miles of our area has been pretty sad as well. In short, more like a flea market with some way over priced guns thrown in. Call me pessimistic, but I have a feeling deep down that a lot of vendors are waiting to see what happens with the upcoming election. But, that's just me.

Good luck on your search for supplies and those good ole' guns we grew up with.


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