Will Rogers Ft Worth gunshow wasn't interesting at all...

by Bryan @, Saturday, October 01, 2016, 15:20 (2913 days ago)

I don't know what it is but sometimes these gunshows are just not that good. Granted it's not a huge show...800 tables...but there just wasn't much there. It was mostly cheap knives, jerky, fudge, AR parts and junk guns. Hardly anything noteworthy unless you're shopping for a Glock or pink Kel-Tec. The only gun there of real interest to me was a Colt 1903 Pocket Hammerless. Priced way out of line with its condition but still a neat gun. The rest of the show...not worth discussing unless you want a good price on a set of queen bedsheets.

Oh...and almost NO powder! 2 tables had primers and no tables of powder. Ridiculous.

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