This is where a chronograph helps tell the tale...

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 08:43 (2917 days ago) @ YJohn Meeker

Barrel droop (sag, slump, dangle) is typical of some break barrel rifles (and the reason some of us favor fixed barrels with under or side levers) What I'm not clear on is, did this happen over time (is it progressive?) or is this an issue from the beginning? Also, my first response was made while half (or 3/4) asleep. I was thinking "scope", but now I get the impression your problem has been also with the "iron" sights. Are you having problems adjusting the iron sights, or is it a scope issue?

You also mentioned the possibility of the problem having been caused by the cocking action as you compress the spring (gas ram). I can't imagine they'd have combined that soft of a barrel with a gas spring, but who knows? I DO know that some folks practice barrel bending in order to bring a barrel more in line with the projectile's trajectory. A while back I read an article about some tests that showed that the barrel doesn't have to be perfectly straight in order to produce good accuracy. It's the last little bit that gives the projectile the path it will follow once it exits the tube.

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