This is where a chronograph helps tell the tale...

by YJohn Meeker @, Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 07:29 (2918 days ago) @ Paul

cheap-ie crono.....penetration tests in media. In this case, the velocity and pellet results are similar to it when I first tested it, upon buying.

My thought about the 'drop bbl' [I did look it up]: the cure of scope mount and built in sighting deflection is charted, so if scopes is an answer, perhaps that is an alternative. Since the drop is so much, the other idea is to jig up the bbl assembly and give the bbl an 'altitude adjustment' up-wards, testing incrementally, until it returns to basic zero.

Fall season has lots of distractions, here'bouts, and the local sqwills have been pared back, so the next report may not be tomorrow. However, I have a thirty feet of indoor range in the old general store basement. Also, can't wait to wring out the old Remington s.s. .22. It's so simple and easy to carry, that it will get a crack at game this fall.

Thanks, all. will report,

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