My take is that one shoots the primary (?) carry gun all

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, September 25, 2016, 18:23 (2919 days ago) @ Gunner

the time for multiple reasons i.e. practice, pest elimination and fun plinking. One has a backup that is tested to be proven reliable just in case the first fails. Now, that takes us to the idea that one carries the back up on one's person.

I am not a uniformed functionary. I'm just a citizen who has to go around the community doing multiple things from lifting and reaching to hugging and shaking hands, not to mention going in and out of many different facilities some of which might not be legal places in which to be armed. In those instances the logistics of disarming come into play. If I am carrying multiple firearms, knives, trauma kit(s), flashlight(s), and reloads as well as ephmera such as mints, change, handkerchief, grocery lists, receipts, pen(s), phone, glasses, KEYS, and so forth and so on this constant juggling of all this crap (like Dennis the Menace's pockets with slingshot, frog, etc.) becomes problematic. For this reason I only carry one firearm, one reload, one knife, one SMALL flashlight, and have everything else located as handily as space and security of those objects allow. The days of packing about a large A.L.I.C.E. pack are behind me.

Back to the carry gun. I rotate what I carry to what is most applicable to my situation. Summer in shorts is different from hunting season and late winter post hunting season. Those days I was working outside on the farm were different from those days I was working inside in the shop. If you can only afford one or two and those must cover every circumstance, well, like all compromises it will be "make do" somewhere along the way.

Now I've drifted so far from the original question I considered just deleting the whole thing, but I won't... :-P



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