When is it too many......

by Gunner @, St Louis, Sunday, September 25, 2016, 10:19 (2919 days ago)

The 380 discussion below brought up a topic I have always wondered about.....when is it too much to shoot your carry gun??????

Theory is you shoot your carry gun enough to make sure it is reliable and that it is built good enough to be relied upon. BUT is that amount too many rounds that will start to wear components of the gun to a level close to failure???? With modern steels, manufacturing techniques etc the gun should last a long time. Do you limit the number to 200, 500 or 1,000????

Another but to that....I have seen big name modern guns have failures with low round counts. Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch has a saying about carry guns-

1 is none, 2 is 1

It goes to the thought process of your main gun breaking/failing etc you have a backup to rely on.

This is a big concern of mine with carry guns, do you shoot them a limited amount to ensure they will work when needed and stop short of abuse, wearing out parts! But what is that number? I know people that buy a duplicate carry gun to use for practice to save wear on the main carry one. I know shooters that run a minimum of 1,000 or 2,000 rounds thru a carry gun before they will trust it, had one guy tell me he never carries a handgun with less than 5,000 thru it before he'll trust it. Now that would make me pause with that many rounds thru it.

So the question is- when is it too many?


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