I agree - John Q Public isn't all that observant

by stonewalrus, Sunday, September 11, 2016, 14:24 (2933 days ago) @ Slow Hand

I carry a tuckable IWB a lot from High Noon. There is a big black metal clip that goes over my belt. Not once has anyone said anything about that clip. My wife was talking to a college student who was appalled that people might carry a gun. It was obvious to her from the conversation that he had no idea people could carry a gun concealed. She told him I carry all the time and SHE didn't know where I was carrying the gun. I think a lot of anti's are the same way - no clue about concealed carry. My dentist went to dental training and a woman from Canada was there - she was royally freaked out that people were allowed to carry guns - not knowing that three of her fellow dentists sitting next to her were all packing.

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