Shield 9

by Paul ⌂, Saturday, September 10, 2016, 20:27 (2934 days ago) @ rob

Last summer I picked up a Shield in 9mm after trying to convince myself to go with one of the 380s. The size difference just wasn't enough to convince me that the smaller cartridge was worth the smaller package. The first time I fired it was to qualify for the MO CCW course. Generic 115 gr ammo shot right to the sights at the official distance, whatever that was. Even though I'd never fired the gun before there was no issue with feeding or hitting where it was aimed. The group was a bit bigger than it should have been, but considering it was the first time ever firing the piece, no real complaints. Kept them all in the 9 ring and most in the 10. Oh, and as if that wasn't enough, I used different ammo for each mag load. Everything put into it has fired, functioned and grouped well enough for the purpose for which the pistol was acquired.

I'm intrigued by the 45 version as well. Perhaps next time we head north I'll find someone with one to try. A bottom feeding bellygun... hmmm, what's not to like?

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