It is the multi-purpose dogs......

by Ray L, Friday, August 19, 2016, 16:32 (2956 days ago) @ Hoot

that are good (bad) about sniffing out g.s.r......during jury duty we were locked down due to a economical $5000 multi-purpose dog pointing at a street post office box in front of the courthouse.......the postman was there in a quarter of an hour of being summoned to open the box and officially observe the inspection......the dog sniffed out two letters......a deputy working courthouse security had posted a personal bill payment his glock 23 had been shot recently but not cleaned......then there was an innocent brightly colored specialty type envelope, you know, birthday, anniversary, etc......sometime later we learned there was a mystery of sorts in that the deputy's left thumb print with g.s.r. residue was found on the citizen's envelope.....he was adamant that he only dropped his bill in the box and did not touch anyone's else's mail......does anyone else hear the rod serling theme music ?

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