
by Byron, Friday, August 19, 2016, 11:13 (2956 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Two things.

1. Don't live in a dumb place. While some may consider the state in which I live "backward", one thing is clear. You can pretty much do whatever you want as long as it doesn't step on anyone else's toes (except it is still illegal to smoke dope here). We have no knife laws at all. I workout every morning on post and while the MPs at the main gate don't give knives a second look will bust you quick if they find a firearm in your truck. The dogs can smell them.

2. After a couple of close range force on force handgun classes and a couple of military combative classes (LINES and MACs) it becomes clear that most if not all interpersonal violence that one might face outside a battle field will be at conversational distance. At arm's length a strong sharp blade is at least as good as a sidearm if one is up to really getting with it.

Anecdotal reports are that thugs will back off shining steel faster than a brandished pistol but I don't know nothing about that.

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