Ruger American, designed by committee.....

by Otony, Sunday, July 03, 2016, 21:08 (3003 days ago) @ ERSisk

Every single one we have had has demonstrated absolutely horrific triggers.

Let me emphasize that a bit more.

Every. Single. One.

Two different pistols had one of their two magazines that simply would not lock into place. The bad mags wouldn't function in any American we tried. Another gunshop in town had one that exhibited the same magazine issues. Note that they use a different distributor than us, so it isn't too likely this is a glitch in a specific run. All of theirs have atrocious trigger pulls as well.

To my eyes, the overall aesthetics are busy, as if it is parts of different pistols kludged together. Frankly, I prefer the SR9, which consistently has the best striker fire trigger pull in a domesticly produced pistol. Only the H&K VP9 and the Walther PPQ have better triggers. The SR9 is head and shoulders above the S&W M&P9 or the Glock in terms of trigger, btw.

So, color me biased, but I don't like any of above pistols. I have, however, shot them all, and played with them extensively. (slowdays in the shop, what can I say). I honestly think Ruger would have been miles ahead if they simply updated the SR series to include interchangeable back straps, plus a version sans thumb safety for those that prefer that style. Instead, they reinvented the wheel and gave us a large for caliber pistol (shades of the old P-series!) that does nothing for me.

Of course my opinion isn't all that matters, it is the customer who is the deciding factor in the end. And they have demonstrated their opinions in our sales. I sell 20 Tauri PT111G2s to every American. Ditto Glocks, Smiths, CZs, Rock Islands, etc, etc. heck, I sell more Heritage Rough Riders!

Flamethrower out......


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