Appleseed Project

by Byron, Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 19:27 (3021 days ago) @ Bryan Pettet

Good on you for signing up for an Appleseed Project event. I have earned 2 Rifleman patches. One with a AR15 DCM Service Rifle with A2 NM sights and one with a Ruger 1022-T with a 4.5-14x Leupold telescope.

I will say without reservation that every American should attend and shoot an Apple Seed. It is free or cheap and even if you don't have a proper rifle and ammo they will hook you up for free.

In my experience the telescope was of no advantage over the AR NM peep system and if you are planning on shooting a 1022 I would suggest going with the Tech Sights system. You will like them, for sure. If you are sold on a telescope make sure that it has a AO that will allow you to dial in parallax for the 25 yard mark. Still, scopes are no big deal for this.

Furthermore, planning and being prepared for the weekend is more important than the equipment that you bring.

1. Be familiar with the course of fire by buying some Appleseed targets from "Fred's M-14 Stocks" and shooting at least half a dozen of them following the printed instructions. If you want to do this right, do not skip this.

2. Most events are held at public shooting ranges with gravel or other rough ground. At the minimum bring a shooting mat. The best is to bring a sheet of .25 plywood to shoot from. This gives you a nice smooth surface to kneel on and shoot prone from. Elbow and knee pads are not out of line. Bring a lawn chair to sit on. You will thank me for this.

3. It is summer and it will be hot. Be prepared with lots of cold water and a lunch.

4. Make absolutely sure that your rifle is reliable with the ammo you bring. There is a time limit on most strings of fire and you will be dead in the water if you rifle ties up.

5. Make sure that you have a proper sling for position shooting. Get them from Fred's M14 Stocks.

6. Brush up on your American Revolution history with a focus on Paul Revere and that big day. Get ready to learn more.

7. Make sure that you have a proper case for carrying your rifle to and from your truck and the range. The cadre will be crazy strict about gun handling. Don't give them a chance to yell at you.

Show up, have fun, shoot straight and be a better American at the end of the day.



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