That is inexpensive compared to our area. Those prices

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Wednesday, May 18, 2016, 21:13 (3049 days ago) @ woody

are very close to wholesale and way below MSRP. Nobody around here yet seems to be able to get quantities sufficient and certain enough to justify those prices. We can't even be certain of what loads will be available to us.

Drifting off topic a bit, while "pistol" powders seem to be more readily available in some areas, we don't seem to be able to get them.

Drifting a bit further we've been informed that the big box stores being 2/3rds of Ruger's business everyone else is getting only that part of production that Ruger can't get the big box places to buy. LCPs, forget about it. Very interesting...

Drifting yet further... Monday we had a couple of sales to self-identifying people of "another lifestyle". This seems to be a trend and, I think, one reason that McAuliffe got so much back blast on his and Herring's CHP reciprocity gambit. He is so out of touch he didn't realize he was hurting Hillary's base.



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