Why Not!

by ERSisk, Tuesday, May 17, 2016, 22:09 (3050 days ago) @ ~JM~

Six months ago you could not touch a 617 on Gun Broker for less than $950-$1000 + shipping. Now you can pick one up for $650 BNIB or a GP100 for $575. Its amazing what a little competition in the marketplace will do for the consumer. Me I'm happy with my $350 9 shot Taurus Tracker. The FA 252 is a specialized revolver, built for Silhouette matches for sure, but it will also take the head off of a sparrow or squirrel all day long at 50 yards. I can see using 9 or 10 shot revolvers with speed loaders in those 22 steel plate matches. As for 22lr availability they will come back (sans Hillary) but expect $25 or $30 a brick to be a bargain basement price. Compared to six months ago the local Wally World has a good selection of all ammo except for 22lr, a month back I hit it right, they had just received a shipment and had 100 round boxes of CCI stingers and CB's. I bought my 3 box limit and went back a few hours later after finishing my errands, as I expected, all were gone. Two weeks ago I couldn't believe my luck when I snagged the only pack of 1000 Winchester M22 for $50.84 and tax. Cabela's had a good selection of 22lr last time I was there, but there were at least 5 guys taking pictures and texting friends so I'm sure that shipment was decimated in a hurry. There are 22's out there if you hit the store at the right time. If Donald wins I think people will relax on the hoarding/panic mode buying and supplies will catch up with a more normal demand. If Hillary wins there won't be a gun or bullet left for sale by the time she takes the Oath.

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