PPP, All depends on the environment. Me in South Louisiana.

by ERSisk @, Sunday, May 08, 2016, 00:19 (3060 days ago) @ MR

Working outside around the house, it's a Stainless Bearcat for 'Snakes and Such' that's always in a pocket. A trip to Wally World late at night, it's a Para Ordinance P-12 for 'Snakes and Such". Walking in the woods, scouting, with the possibility of a feral hog encounter, its a Taurus Titanium Tracker 4" .41 mag. Paddling around in the canoe, a Taurus Titanium Tracker 2 1/2" .44 special. Out on the town with 'Miss Becky' an SP101 .357 for 'Snakes and Such' in a front pocket holster. Of course all the above are subject to change at a moments notice depending on the situation. Like packing the 30 Carbine Blackhawk that's perfect for shooting Nutria from the front of a friends boat. Or "Just Cause" I felt like dropping a Bond Arms Snake Slayer into a front pocket for 'Snakes and Such' to pick up a loaf of bread, a pint of ice cream and a Cherry pie. The PPP is elusive my'n most likely won't be the same as your'n.

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