ah yes, perfect packing pistol

by Fowler, Saturday, May 07, 2016, 11:35 (3061 days ago) @ bj

First off Sundles is pretty recoil proof and lives in grizzly country, it will seriously influence your back country sidearm choices. A heavy loaded model 97 while not pleasant to shoot makes a world of since there as does a stoutly loaded Smith 329. A proper holster and belt will make bog guns manageable, I carried my FA 83 475 Linebaugh in Texas for 3 days last month with zero issues, Simply Rugged Sour Dough Pancake holster and a stiff Barranti Belt works wonders for shrinking big guns.

Certainly a sidearm for 2 legged vermin has a whole different set of requirements than a back country gun does that is more likely to to be asked to pot a grouse than stop a dope head. I personally dont like carry a gun in the back country that I cant consistently hit a 8-10" gong at 50 yards with. The requirements in the back country could see me trying to kill a coyote or crippled animal at something more than arms length of course, plus the chance encounter with a ground squirrel or jack rabbit that is daring me at longer ranges.

If bears are not a real concern a 32 mag works awfully well on my side fly fishing or working. In my 4 5/8" Single Six Vaquero I can run a 125gr bullet at 1300fps+ and forget its on my hip. A pocket full of mild 95gr target loads can be along if small game season is open and pot dinner when the chance arises without blowing up the grouse or my ears. My 2 1/2" model 19 is another under rated gun for the job, although back country work for me just begs for a single action.

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