Rascal, Rascal, Rascal

by ERSisk @, Tuesday, April 26, 2016, 22:47 (3071 days ago) @ John Meeker

And the winner is, Rascal. Feed ramp is a BIG advantage in the loading department. Self cocking bolt I like. Accu-trigger is a huge plus. Peep is a loosen screw adjust tighten screw trial and error proposition, but once it is dialed in and tightened down your good to go. 25 yd. rested groups are 1/4" with most ammo. Stock is extremely short but I can shoot it quite well with a two hand hold and a solid cheek weld. I have the poly stocked version which is quite light but has storage space. A wood stock version would I assume have a little more substantial feel. Rascal operates like a real bolt rifle. Personally I never liked cocking knob style .22's. I played with a Henry single shot that came my way in a trade but too many issues did not keep it around long. I learned to shoot with a Remington 510 TargetMaster with a cut down stock handed down through two brothers. My first lesson was 56 years ago. Dad wrapped the 510 barrel in an old leather glove and clamped it in our farm vise that was mounted on a welded steel stand that weighed a couple hundred pounds. By wiggling the stand around he carefully aimed the 510 at a board on our stock chute by the barn about 30 yards away. Then he ran 5 rounds through the action. We walked over to the chute and dad pointed out a single hole the size of a wood pencil with the admonition that if I missed what I was shooting at, it was me not to be blamed on the gun. Dad had a 5 cent bounty on pigeons and Western Auto sold .22lr for 25 cents a box.

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