Cricket vs Rascal -- have loked over O/L discussions, but..

by John Meeker @, Maumee Ohio, Tuesday, April 26, 2016, 10:54 (3072 days ago)

they seem to be inconclusive, save for someone's personal preference. I'm leaning towards Savage. The sqwills are getting wary and marginal for sure airgun kills, now that the easy ones are gone. A CB is just as quiet as the better 'smothered' airguns. Although, Steve K. has a air/gas rig that is unholy for for quite and accuracy, and great 'backporch bunker' My layout must be werry, werry low key, and must shoot from different points, depending on the tree in question -- sorta bootlegging from point to point.

See, a Rascal can gome in at BASS pRO FOR ABOUT 150, and have a nice little Walther red dot from Steve, [or something from the box'o scopes should, I wish.]

anywayz...happy Lead Slonging.

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