Arisaka fired cartridges and bolt face pics

by Catoosa, Monday, April 25, 2016, 10:02 (3073 days ago) @ Paul

The one Remington primer that pin holed on me years ago was from a starting load of an 85 grain Sierra JHP over 33.0 grains of 3031. Not a hot load at all. The bore on my Arisaka looks like 22 miles of jeep trail, but it still shoots well as long as I don't try to push the velocities too high. Those little 85 grainers seem to like each other and scrooch up real close together when I shoot them at moderate velocity, but things get squirrely when I try to push them much faster. The Norma 139 grain SPs shoot nicely too, but I have tried several other bullets that don't do as well. I tried the Hornady 129 grain spire point some years ago and never could get it to shoot well.

As I mentioned, Remington recalled several lots of those primers because of metallurgical flaws in the cups that caused pinhole blowouts. That was several years ago.I have not heard of similar flaws in other primers, but that is certainly a possibility here.

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