I think we have all underestimated the increased demand from

by cubrock, Thursday, March 31, 2016, 06:46 (3098 days ago) @ Hobie

new shooters over the last few years. It is commonplace for me to hear shops educating someone at the counter who is buying his or her (often her) first gun. The shortage has gone on far too long to simply be "hoarders." The last time we had a fear-induced .22 shortage, it lasted less than six months. This one has gone on for over 3 years, now.

Another factor is the ammo companies' refusal to expand their production capabilities for rimfire. I think the biggest factor in this is politically-induced fear - fear that political decisions in the short to mid-term will keep them from being able to make money off their investment in production expansion.

Just my 2 cents.

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